is a popular Japanese variety show, shown on Fuji TV. The first episode aired on 16 October 1996. The hosts of the show are the owarai duo Ninety-Nine (Takashi Okamura and Hiroyuki Yabe). The show is also known as Mecha-Ike (めちゃイケ). ==Regulars== The regular members of the show are: * Ninety-Nine (Takashi Okamura and Hiroyuki Yabe) * Yoiko (Shinya Arino and Masaru Hamaguchi) * Gokuraku Tombo (Koji Kato) * Oasiz (Yasuko Mitsuura, Kayoko Ookubo) * Shinji Takeda * Akiko Hinagata * Sarina Suzuki * Jaru-jaru (Shusuke Fukutoku, Junpei Goto) * Tanpopo (Emiko Kawamura, Kumiko Shiratori) * Atsushi * Satomi Shigemori * Motokatsu Sannaka Egashira 2:50 also appears as a semi-regular guest. Kayoko Ookubo of Oasiz joined as a regular member since the year 2000 though her partner Yasuko Mitsuura had been a regular since the beginning. In 2006, a scandal caused Keiichi Yamamoto of Gokuraku Tombo to leave the show and the entertainment world. Auditions for new regular members were held in 2010, while Okamura was recovering from his illness. The winners and new regular members were Jaru-jaru (Shusuke Fukutoku, Junpei Goto), Tanpopo (Emiko Kawamura, Kumiko Shiratori), Atsushi, Satomi Shigemori, and Motokatsu Sannaka. In 2010, Takashi Okamura of Ninety-Nine left the show for a few months in order to recover from an unspecified illness. 抄文引用元・出典: フリー百科事典『 ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 ■ウィキペディアで「Mecha-Mecha Iketeru!」の詳細全文を読む スポンサード リンク